Raspberry Trailhead

Kincaid Park Raspberry Parking Lot


Rasbpberry parking lot is the only parking lot open after 9:00 pm. Most trails from the parking lot go through wooded area. Since many trails were built for classical skies, the trails tend to be narrow.


Paved Bike Trails


Bike Trail Along Raspberry Road: Round trip 4 mile

Difficulty: Easy


Crossing the Raspberry Road, the paved lit trail is a bike trail.



Ski Trail Loops


Lake Loop: 3 mile + 1 mile

Difficulty: moderate ups and downs



From the Raspberry Parking lot, take left toward bridge. Immediately, you will see a narrow down slope trail on your right. Take a trail that makes u-turns. This is the Inner Lake Loop trail. About half mile down, you will meet anintersection. Take the left trail, the trail immediately bends left and reaches to the lake. Take left toward the end of the lake, and cross a board walk. The trail bends left and reaches four corner. At this four corner, take left u-turn trail going up hill. At the end of gradual uphill, you reach a big dip “Big Niagara.” Go down the big dip, and go up the other end. The trail goes along fence bordering Airport and turns left. This section tends to be wet in spring and early summer. At the end of this section is the Little Campbell Lake Parking lot. The Loop trail continues at the other end of the parking lot. Take left uphill trail. After the trail bends right and exits the woods, you reach a four corner. Take right uphill trail that goes back into the woods. As trail turns left, it goes downhill toward the lake. Take left-u-turn uphill trail, and the trail takes you back to the four corner. Take right, and take right again at next intersection. The trail will take you back to the Raspberry parking lot.


For addition of this loop, pass the Raspberry Parking lot, and go toward bridge. From here, follow the Margaraux’s Loop on right, away from the brige. As the trail nears the Raspberry Road, you will find a sign toward S-turn on right. Take this S-trun down hill trail, and you will again reach the first four corner. Now, take right uphill trail. At the end of uphill, you will reach the the main Raspberry Parking trail. Take left and back to the parking lot.


Margaux’s Loop: 3 miles

Difficulty: moderate ups and downs


Raspberry Parking Lot is the eastern edge of the Margaux’s Loop. See Chalet section about this trail.


Jodhpur Horseshoe Loop: 3 miles

Difficulty: moderate ups and downs


Crossing the Raspberry Road over the bridge, you reach the Jodhpur Horseshoe Loop. See Jodhpur section about this trail.